PLAID: People Living with and Inspired by Diabetes
The PLAID Journal is a peer-reviewed diabetes research journal focused on people living with and inspired by diabetes. The PLAID Journal includes research and perspectives that encourage dialogue between healthcare professionals and people living with diabetes. The PLAID Journal aims to gain from the insights of individuals, families, friends, colleagues, advocates, healthcare professionals, and researchers who work to raise awareness of and create solutions to the complexities of living with diabetes. We want to feature your writing and research to make the lives of people with diabetes better, and help you make an impact on the professional and patient communities that you serve.
The PLAID Journal is dedicated to removing obstacles that impede better living with diabetes, including both subscription and author fees. The PLAID Journal’s research, reviews, audience perspectives, and resources to move people forward are openly available and free to share worldwide thanks to the efforts and generous support of the Charlotte Edwards Maguire Medical Library and the Florida State University College of Medicine.
The PLAID Journal is proud to partner with JDRF to promote diabetes education, awareness, support programs, and T1D research to deliver a cure for T1D and its complications.
The PLAID Journal will cease publishing new issues in 2021.
This journal is published by the FSU College of Medicine.
Works published in the PLAID Journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.